Light of the World Lutheran Church in Farmington is planning two fun (and scary!) events to help combat local hunger. We think they are onto something great, and surprisingly simple, "have fun and fight hunger!"
The haunted maze
Light of the World's Matt Philpot is organizing his annual haunted maze to benefit the Farmington food shelf. Admission to the maze is one canned good. Last year's maze raised 350 pounds; the goal this year is to double it.
If you want to check it out, the haunted maze will be open at 7:00 p.m. on October 22, 29, 30, and 31. It is located at 19337 Ellington Trail in Farmington. Contact Matt Philpot at if you have questions.
"All check in...Most check out!"
Light of the World's Dean Wedul is refurbishing the scary "Redrum Hotel." It will be open for check-in October 29, 30, and 31 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Located at 17371 Faraday Court, Farmington.
Donations of canned goods will be accepted for the Farmington food shelf. Last year's results: 437 pounds of food + $10. A water balloon target range will be open. Three balloons for $1.
Check out these events, or simply use this as inspiration for a "have fun and fight hunger" event in your own congregation.
Facebook fanpage for the Haunting on Ellington Trail: