The end of October and the beginning of November is truly a "crossover" season. We in the church celebrate Reformation Day and All Saints Day and Thanksgiving before the end of the church year and the beginning of the Advent season. The secular world is busy thinking about Halloween, seldom aware that they are really celebrating All Hallow's Eve prior to All Saints Day.
Since Reformation Day, October 31, fell on a Sunday this year, how about considering a reformation of your customs for trick and treating in your neighborhood? Many of us can remember the bright UNICEF boxes that children were encouraged to use on Halloween night, asking at homes for contributions which were shared for the needs of education and welfare of children around the world. Yes, they are still available. They help teach children about others and encourage them to think beyond candy.
Speaking of candy, have you heard about reverse trick and treating? Instead of asking for candy, children offer fair trade candy to their neighbors, along with information about fair trade. Divine Chocolate is a perfect choice for this new custom; the chocolate is fair trade and Lutheran World Relief (that's you and me) are even part owners in this sweet company in Ghana. Perhaps these are ideas to tuck away for next Halloween.
Give special thanks for the saints who have gone before us in the faith and for the abundance which God provides.
Sustaining Simplicity: A Journal by Anne Basye is an excellent resource for everyone. Anne records a year of "living simply, asking questions about faith, money and abundance." It is also about a year with significant changes in her personal life as her son is leaving for college and she begins to think about life as a single woman alone.
Anne is an author, columnist, and poet. Occasionally she contributes to the blog on the ELCA World Hunger website, "Hunger Rumblings," You will find that this book is full of practical ideas to simplify your life. You will also enjoy that the book looks like a journal with drawings, sticky notes, coffee stains, and the like. The book is excellent for personal reading, for sharing in devotions, and for hunger group discussions.
Sustaining Simplicity is available through Augsburg Fortress. Check the ELCA World Hunger website ( or the bookstore at Luther Seminary (
Plan ahead now for December 1st, World AIDS Day, a time to join the global community in increasing awareness of HIV and AIDS as well as remembering those affected and infected by the virus. The 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly voted to launch a new strategy for ministry with people affected by HIV and AIDS worldwide. December 1st (or Sunday, November 29th) is a good time to let your congregation know about this initiative and get their support for the endeavor.
Worship resources and additional ideas are available at
"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet."
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