Friday, January 6, 2012

Waste food? Me?

I recently read an article in the Faith and Money Network Newsletter by Leah McCullough, a United Church of Christ minister from North Carolina that has made me think a bit harder about food and how I might be wasting it. She says that reducing food waste can help feed hungry people, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save money. "We all eat, so we all can make a difference."

Here are just some of her suggestions to reduce food waste (italics are my additions):
  1. Purchase less food.
  2. Use up leftovers.
  3. Eat down what is in our refrigerator and cabinets before purchasing more.
  4. Beware of bulk and buy-one-get-one free purchases that may go bad before we can use it up.
  5. Compost. (Even in winter.)
  6. Encourage our grocery stores to donate edible food to food recovery groups.
  7. Ask every coffee shop, café, and restaurant we frequent what they may do with unused food and encourage them to donate it.
  8. Tell our produce managers that we are willing to purchase fruits and vegetables that may not be cosmetically perfect or uniform in size and shape, as we know they are still nutritious and tasty--and then do it.
  9. Take leftovers home (and then use them).
  10. Volunteer with food recovery organizations; glean with an organization.
Food for thought--and hopefully for action in this New Year.

                                                                                       Vernita Kennen

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