Monday, November 28, 2011

'Faith, food stamps, and the fight against hunger'

While checking out a new lectionary resource (ON Scripture—also recommended!) From the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and Odyssey Networks, an interfaith media organization, I discovered the video below. You might remember the “Food Stamp Challenge” from other years—where people are urged to spend no more for a week than those who receive food stamps (now the SNAP program).

The challenge continues. And good news to hear that some of our federal legislators have accepted the challenge for a second time! Representative Keith Ellison talks about his experience and how it has helped him to see the problem of hunger in new ways. I appreciated his comments about budgets being moral documents.

Perhaps this will inspire YOU to consider taking the challenge. Any time is a good time to put yourself in the shoes of those who hunger so you not only know their story firsthand but also as inspiration for you to continue with your hunger ministry.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our faith and the federal budget

We are in a budget conversation at the federal level that few of us can remember having before. Newspapers, TV, magazine, the Internet, and other social media are alive with articles, interviews, and information. We have to choose carefully to be sure the reporting is accurate and the views credible. As the November 23 deadline rapidly approaches for the recommendations of the "Super Committee," I urge you to use this prayer for your own devotions as well as for sharing in groups and in congregational worship.

Litany for a Faithful National Budget
(Prepared by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns)

Leader: Let us pray…
All: Blessed be our God.

Leader I: Twenty percent of all children in the United States live in poverty. We cannot leave our children a legacy of rising debt, nor can we leave them a legacy of rising poverty.

All: We pray for a just and compassionate budget that protects all our children from hunger and homelessness, from inadequate education and healthcare, from poverty. Our God hears the cry of the children who are poor. Blessed be our God.

Leader: Many older adults in the United States live near or below the poverty line. Social Security and Medicare are their lifelines. We cannot neglect the very real needs of our senior citizens.

All: We pray for a just and compassionate budget that protects our elders from poverty, financial insecurity and inadequate healthcare. Our God hears the cry of our seniors who are poor or vulnerable. Blessed be our God.

Leader: Women in the United States are disproportionately served by the social safety net. Women rely on many of the programs facing drastic cuts – from Medicare and Medicaid to SNAP and TANF, from SSI and Pell grants to domestic violence prevention to nutrition and child care. We cannot ignore the real needs of women in our society or fail to address the systemic injustice that perpetuates their vulnerability.

All: We pray for a just and compassionate budget that protects women from poverty, financial insecurity, inadequate healthcare and physical danger. Our God hears the cry of the women. Blessed be our God.

Leader: With an official unemployment rate over nine percent, millions of U.S. Americans are struggling to meet their most basic needs. Yet an unjust federal budget could reduce or eliminate assistance for unemployed families.

All: We pray for a just and compassionate budget that responds to the needs of those who are unemployed, protecting them and their dependents as much as possible from the overwhelming anxiety of financial insecurity and lost self
esteem. Our God hears the cry of those who are unemployed. Blessed be our God. 

Leader: We live in a world that is intensely interconnected. Loving our neighbors requires that we promote the global common good. Yet, programs that respond to HIV and AIDS, extreme poverty, food insecurity, overwhelming debt, violence against women, natural disasters and other urgent needs are likely to be severely cut.

All: We pray for a just and compassionate budget that responds to the needs of our brothers and sisters around the world. Our God hears the cry of those who live on the margins of our world. Blessed be our God.

Leader: God’s good creation continues to suffer from our use and abuse of its precious gifts. The enforcement of laws that protect the integrity of creation could be severely compromised by unjust budgetary decisions.

All: We pray for a just and compassionate budget that respects and protects the integrity of creation. Our God hears the cry of Earth. Blessed be our God.

Leader: For the gift of vision to see a way forward that is just and compassionate.

All: Give us your vision.

Leader: For the gift of conviction to work with vigor for a just solution to the crises we face.

All: Give us your courage.

Leader: Spirit of God, renew the hearts of all of us who are gathered here. Inspire Congress and the administration to act justly and to protect our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, here and around the world. Reinvigorate our nation’s vision of the common good.

All: May God, our Creator and parent, breathe into us new life and new meaning. May the Wisdom of God breathe into us new hope and a new awareness. May the Spirit of God breathe into us a new spirit and a new understanding of the world in which we live. AMEN.